conversions (number base):
binary to decimal conversion
binary to hexadecimal conversion
binary to octal conversion
decimal to binary conversion
decimal to hexadecimal conversion
decimal to octal conversion
hexadecimal to binary conversion
hexadecimal to decimal conversion
octal to binary conversion
octal to decimal conversion
p2-31 Electric Circuits and Machines_1996_Eugene C. Lister and Robert J. Rusch
Each wire of a two-wire distribution circuit has a resistance of 0.2 Ohm per 1000 ft. Connected to this circuit at a point 500 ft from the generator is a motor that requires a current of 15 A and has a terminal voltage of 230 V. A second motor that requires 10 A is located on the same circuit but 750 ft from the generator. (a) What is the voltage at the second motor? (b) What is the generator voltage?